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Why Water Mates

SSI (Swim Schools International) Certified

Swim Schools International (SSI) is a leading authority in aquatic education. As a globally recognized organization, SSI offers comprehensive swimming and water safety programs for all ages and skill levels. With a commitment to excellence, SSI ensures that its certified instructors provide top-notch instruction, helping individuals become confident and proficient swimmers. 

Experience the highest standard of aquatic education with our Swim Schools International (SSI) certified swimming academy. Backed by the renowned SSI certification, our academy offers expert instruction, comprehensive curricula, and international recognition. Whether you’re a beginner, intermediate, or advanced swimmer, our SSI certified programs cater to all levels, ensuring you gain the skills and confidence you need to thrive in the water. Join us and embark on a swimming journey that meets the highest standards of excellence.”

Syllabus made by Ex-National Swimmers

Discover the ultimate swimming syllabus crafted by two esteemed Ex-National Swimmers, Coach Jian Han and Coach Chan Jie. Their combined expertise and passion for the sport have led to the creation of a comprehensive and highly effective swimming program that guarantees excellence in the pool.

Join our swimming program with Coach Jian Han and Coach Chan Jie’s syllabus and embark on a journey to unlock your full potential in the pool. Whether you aim to compete at the highest levels or simply want to enhance your swimming skills, their expertly designed curriculum will guide you towards swimming excellence.

Mermaid Class

Dive into a world of enchantment and aquatic artistry with our captivating Mermaid Class. This unique and imaginative program offers a one-of-a-kind experience for all ages, where participants can embrace their inner mermaid or merman and explore the magic of underwater movement.

Our Mermaid Class is a unique and delightful experience that combines fitness, creativity, and the pure joy of swimming with a touch of fantasy. Whether you’re looking to fulfil a lifelong dream or simply seeking a fun and engaging way to stay active, our Mermaid Class promises to make a splash in your life. Dive into the magic of the sea, and let your inner mermaid shine!